Annual Summary

Infrastructure Stabilization

The Foundation has been working on stabilizing its existing infrastructure to ensure scalability for the next five fiscal years. This will allow the AI network to grow sustainably.

- Resource consolidation
- Common visibility of all infrastructure aspects

Record Keeping for Statutory Compliances

The Foundation focuses on updating accounting books for public scrutiny and future-proofing records related to initiative-linked legal bodies.

- Updating accounting books
- Future-proofing legal records

Corporate Governance Revision

The Muellners Foundation Group is reviewing public documents and collaborating with legal experts to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

- Reviewing public documents
- Collaborating with legal experts

Infrastructural Stability for AI Network

The Foundation is working on maintaining infrastructural stability for the AI network.

- Developing intelligent interfaces
- Provisioning cloud infrastructure
- Releasing embedded knowledge base intellectual property

Project and Program Roadmaps

Roadmaps have been developed for various projects and programs, including advancing multi-lingual content on the knowledge base.

- Developing project and program roadmaps

Review Meetings

Agenda-specific review meetings are being held with the Independent board serving as the newly staged Fiscal Host: Open Constitution S/I.

- Strategy brainstorming sessions
- Operational/executive discussions
- Creative/new initiative discussions
- Sustainable financial/resource projections
- Emergency discussions

Members can join these meetings by signing up at the public calendar on the Contributions Delivery Subnet.

Last updated

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